Charlotte had been much better during the morning and early afternoon on Sunday but by later afternoon she was getting a little fussier and snuffy so we laid her down and she fell asleep early - about 6:45! The grown ups had a wonderful home cooked pot roast for dinner and then Jeff and I had a date night! We took advantage of Charlotte's sleeping and having someone there to watch her and took off into the big city of Bowling Green! We drove around for a good hour partly looking for something to do and partly seeing what has changed since we had lived there and of course reminiscing our youth years!
We ended up at the movie theatre to see Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. It was a 9:30 showing so for a 3 hour movie we almost didn't go because we were already so totally worn out but decided we needed to take advantage of our alone time. We loaded up on diet coke, popcorn, and reese pieces and settled in. I think this was one of if not my number one favorite HP movie so far. It had a great balance of drama and action and was actually pretty funny! We enjoyed our time together but when we got back to the house we fell into bed and quickly to sleep.
Labor day got us up much early then we wanted - 6:18 I do believe. A massive storm settled in on top of the house and I think it was some of the loudest thunder and brightest lightening I had ever seen! It got us both out of bed. Charlotte thank goodness is not scared of storms but regardless it did wake her up. Jeff and his parents got up and fed her and got her changed and I was in and out of sleep for a while but it was nice to at least be a little lazy on this holiday! We had a great breakfast cooked by Jeff's dad and just hung around the house.
Charlotte was still a little sicky and ended up taking a very long nap so we didn't get to make all the visits we wanted to but did get to go by my friend Jennifer's house to see her new baby Landon Heath! He was just 5 days old when we got to see him - it is amazing how quickly you forget how tiny they can be! He was 2+ pounds heavier than Charlotte was when she was born and I just couldn't believe it - he was so tiny and light!
We are very excited that his parents are back in BG - we almost feel like we are back in a little way too. We will be much more inclined to go up and stay with his parents for a weekend now that the house has more space and is in a town where we have things to do and other people we can visit. It's a win for everyone! So if you are in BG we'll have to make plans to visit again soon :)
The Lyons' family headed home after a long day with one stop on the way to see my cousin Stephanie and her husband Josh at my grandparents house. They live in Atlanta so it was great seeing them, even if it was only for about an hour!
The last big to-do for our Labor Day was buying a new mattress! This is a desperately needed purchase as our mattress is old and totally worn out - the source of many sleepless nights and back problems I am sure. After looking at our options and budgets and sales going on at Mattress Unlimited in Spring Hill we picked our mattress - and went with a King! We have always wanted to upgrade to a King at some point but were planning on just buying a basic Queen mattress for the immediate future since buying a King also means all new bedding and a new bed. However, with the sales going on we were able to get a nice comfy King set that we will both enjoy for just a bit more than we were planning on spending for the Queen mattress! I am super excited and can't wait for it to be delivered! We will slowly add bedding and even a bed someday but for now, a good nights sleep is all I want!
So again, a long post - as you can see we had a very very busy last week! Here is a parting picture of sweet Charlotte sleeping "butts up" at Granna and Granddads this weekend :)
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