Friday night kicked off birthday weekend with a dinner at my grandparents house. It is tradition in my family that everyone gets a birthday dinner of their choosing with all the family. The 3 men of the family all have September birthdays so they graciously combine them into one big dinner (Zaxby's is usually involved). We headed to Nana and Poppa's with Zaxbys chicken in tow and had home made sides of veggie casserole, potatoes, rolls, salad, and banana pudding! We enjoyed dinner as a family, showing off Charlotte's new crawling skills, and a little present time.
Saturday we enjoyed time at home as our little family and just relaxed. Jeff got some much needed World of Warcraft time with his new birthday present - Polk surround sound speakers for his office! These are split between fun birthday present to enjoy with movies and games, and major help in his freelance videos to make sure the audio is nice and pretty :) Mom came by after work and picked up Charlotte bug to babysit for the evening while we went to dinner.
Jeff and I have always gone to Demo's for our anniversary - the tradition started by our going to Demo's on our wedding night cause we were starving!! This year since we were in Gulf Shores we did not get the opportunity, so we used Jeff's birthday as a double reason to head downtown. It was raining so we couldn't walk around downtown as we wanted to, but we had an amazing dinner! If you have never been, go! They have amazing rolls and baked chicken soup, their sweet tea with liquid sugar is to die for, and the lasagna isn't half bad either! After dinner we stopped by Best Buy so Jeff could spend his $50 birthday check from grandparents. He had been looking at the 5th season of The Office and they had a cool collectors edition set that was all about "Schrute Farms" that included an awesome Tshirt, mouse pad, magnet, door hang, and stress beet. Can't beat it!
[caption id="attachment_541" align="alignnone" width="225" caption="Bears... Beets... Battlestar Galactica"]
Sunday we did church with a great sermon by Josh and then headed home for the Titans/Texans game. It was a totally crazy game!! It was a high scoring, offensive match up that we sadly did not come out ahead on :( It was very upsetting for the Lyons' house. So to relax, we headed out to our couples massage at the Spa of Cool Springs! We had only had one previous massage on our honeymoon cruise, but that was separate and not all that amazing. This was a wonderful, relaxing, calming experience. They went head to toe, we even got a scrubby foot treatment at the end. The dark, the warm bed, the scents, and the sound of rain on the roof - it all made for a wonderful evening.
Jeff's birthday was a wonderful excuse for us to relax and enjoy each other's company the whole weekend. I hope he enjoyed this one, and will enjoy his 29th year!
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