It was wonderful seeing Nana. She has so many grandchildren and even great-grandchildren, but it was her first coming from mom's daughters and of course my first. My grandmother is 80+ and is suffering from dementia so she while she remembers everyone fine (unlike Alzheimers) she has trouble remember recent events, conversations, or to dos. She knew exactly who Charlotte was and was so excited to be able to hold this little angel. Nana held her as much as possible, fed her, burped her, and cuddled her while she slept. It was very special to both Mom and I that Charlotte was able to spend some time with her Nana. We know that Nana probably won't be here in years to come, and Charlotte probably won't be able to remember her time shared with Nana, but we will have those memories and photos to pass on to her about her great-grandmother.
Mom's family is pretty large - she has 4 brothers that each have 2-5 kids each, and those kids have their own kids now. Needless to say, we would not have been able to take Charlotte around to everyones house in the 2 days we were there - and it would have worn us all out! So mom had a great idea to have a little Charlotte open house at Nanas. We cooked a couple pots of Potato Soup and Mexican Chicken soup and invited everyone over anytime Thursday evening to grab a cup of soup and visit with Charlotte. Well... pretty much everyone showed up at the same time! We had 15+ people crammed in Nanas living room and kitchen talking and eating and passing Charlotte around. I was amazed at how great she did! She was awake the whole time and was just happy go lucky! Everyone loved her :) They told me how beautiful and perfect she was - loved her full head of hair and perfect little mouth and nose. We had a wonderful visit and enjoyed having room full of people to enjoy the evening with.
On a side note, my Uncle Joey was able to visit as well! About 2 weeks ago, Joey had an accident at Nanas. His son Lee has a landscaping business and they needed to take down a tree at Nanas that was damaged from the recent ice storm. Lee had some trouble getting the tree to fall the safe way, away from Nanas house, so he called his dad over to lend a hand and figure out the best course of action. They did all the right things - cutting a chunk out of one side of the tree to make it fall the other way, etc, but it was located on a steep hill so it began to fall the wrong way. They decided to tie it up to Lees truck and start to pull it the correct way. Well, the tree was so dead inside that it collapsed and fell backwards - Joey was standing right behind it. The massive tree fell on Joey and trapped him beneath. 911 was called and the fire department and ambulance came to get him out and to the hospital. Joey suffered a broken back, collar bone, ribs, collapsed lung, and deep bruising over the majority of his body. It was a miracle that he suffered no internal bleeding or major injuries. After about a week in the hospital, he was released wearing a back brace. They call it his turtle shell (you can see a photo below). I am amazed with his injuries that he is able to be up and walking around! He has to wear the shell for 3 months (it can be removed to bath and sleep only) and while it may not be the most comfortable thing to wear, Joey is grateful that he is able to be up and walking around instead of bed-ridden for those months. It was great to see him come to visit us at Nanas and be around all his family - he was even able to hold Charlotte just long enough to grab a quick photo. Seeing Joey during this visit was great, thanks to you all that prayed for him during this time.
Well, our two days in Owensboro were short and sweet but they were filled with family and that was worth the drive! Charlotte did wonderful on the trip home as well, we were happy to be home with Daddy Friday night!
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