One big milestone: she is out of preemie clothes! She is now fully in her 0-3 months clothes. While we are more than grateful for having the preemie clothes passed to us from Seanna, I am having fun dressing her in the clothes we bought for her and all the beautiful presents we were given. We have so many cute dresses and summer clothes and even a bathing suit for her to wear in the nest few months, I can't wait to see my cute bug :)
Onto the big event... Our 2 month check up at the pediatrician. Charlotte weighed in at 10 pounds 1 ounce (34 percentile), 22 inches long (39%). Such a big girl!!! I can't believe she has hit the double digets already, but still so tiny :) she had 3 vaccanations today too, poor kid. She cried til she was red in the face but once mommy held her and got her passy in, she was fine. Our next checkup will be at 4 months.
Well I guess that is just about it for now! Enjoy her photos below of bathtime and the doctors office. You can always visit jeffs mobile me site for more photos
i can't believe how big she's getting! I need to make a trip to see you again soon!