This year, we had a MOPS (Mother's Of PreSchoolers group) Valentines party, and had to bring snacks inspired by the day of love ;) Since our meeting is 9-11am, I wanted to do something a little more breakfast friendly, so got a mix of Banana Bread Muffins. I found this great idea on Pinterest (of course!) on how to make your muffins or cupcakes heart shaped and voila, Valentines Ready! All you do is stick a marble beside the muffin paper in the tin, and when the muffins bake up, they turn into hearts!
They weren't perfect looking hearts, but they did the job.
(It isn't baking related, but at MOPS we decorated onsies for the local hospitals NICU! Aren't they adorable!
We had a mix of iron-ons, stamps, and puff paint. It was great fun and a good cause!)
We ended having so much food and so many leftovers, I had a ton of them to take home (the mix made 24) And we won't eat that many muffins! So I decided to send them to work with Jeff. I was afraid they would dry out overnight, so I tried this Pinterest idea to put a slice of bread on top of your cake (I figured it would work with muffins) and the bread will dry out but your baked goods wouldn't. It actually worked! So I sent Jeff off with the bowl of muffins this morning. :)
Our romantic plans tonight will include a spaghetti dinner with Charlotte, and then watching Breaking Dawn once she goes to bed. (you're jealous, I know) But I did want to do something special for dessert. We have a heart shaped cookie cutter that we use for Charlotte's play doh, so I cleaned it off and decided we could bake heart shaped sugar cookies. I also wanted to make Jeff's favorite Peanut Butter Pie for our movie time. So that was my plan this morning...
First up, Peanut Butter Pie. Got the recipe out and realized I didn't have the cool whip needed. Scratch that plan. I looked on Pinterest on my Yummy Board for something that I could cook using ingredients I already have, namely that grahman cracker crust originally meant for the pie. I found this great Chocolate Chip Cheesecake bar I figured I could put it into a pie shell instead of the 8x8 pan. We got out all the ingredients, Charlotte helped my measure and dump stuff in. I got through the first 5 ingredients and realized I had more than doubled the amount of brown sugar needed. No way to salvage, so I dumped it out and started again.
This time I triple checked my measurements, but apparently was paying so much attention to that, I forgot to read the directions. I was supposed to stir it all together, THEN add the flour, THEN add the chocolate chips. I had it all in the bowl together and tried to mix it. Did not work well at all.
I gave up at this point. Charlotte even gave me a hug cause she knew I was frustrated. I wasn't gonna attempted it AGAIN, I don't have enough butter to do this over and over! I may attempt it again while Charlotte naps and I can fully concentrate. Blah. Looks like we may only have sugar cookies for dinner... oh wait, those had their own FAIL!
I used Betty Crocker Cookie Mix for the sugar cookies (I swear by her dry mixes! They make great cookies and all you add is butter and egg!) There is a version to make cut out cookies, so I added the needed flour to the mix with the butter and egg. Turns out, I was supposed to put the flour in alone with the dry mix, combine those, then add the egg and butter. I figured they would still work. We laid out the dough and did our heart cut outs!
Sadly, they weren't solid or thick enough to pick up from the cutting board (yes, I dusted it with flour) and put on the pans. So, change of plans again, we rolled them up instead and baked them regular.
After they baked, we sprinkled sugar and pink sprinkles on them and called it done. Still tasty, but not very cute :(
Well, it's time to go fix lunch. It may seem silly to have blogged about all this, but I was frustrated! and my 140 character limit for Twitter just wasn't going to cut it. Maybe I'll just give up on baking anything that does not come out of a box.
What a fun day! Next time on that cookie mix I'd try refrigerating (or putting in the freezer for 30 minutes) that dough before throwing in the towel. Might not have worked anyway, but might be worth a try next time. Hope you have the sweetest night tonight with your hubby!
ReplyDeleteCharlotte is ADORABLE!!!!