We had Charlotte's 2 year well child check up scheduled for today, so it turned into a follow up for her concussion as well. Charlotte loved being in the lobby and seeing all the fish. As soon as the nurse opened the door to walk us back... the tears started :( I'm thinking once the nurse in the scrubs showed up and we started walking down these muted colored hallways, she was flashing back to our 3+ hours in the hospital and undergoing a tortuous time in the CT room.
She ended up crying the entire time the nurse was in the room with us, making it really hard to brag on Charlotte and all her milestones! We cried through the taking of weight and height too, here are her new stats: 26 pounds in the 45th percentile (up from the 25%) and 2 feet 9 inches in the 75 % (down from 85%)
Once the nurse left us alone, Charlotte calmed down and we played some games and read some books. However, when the doctor came back in... tears again! More here than ever, I saw how Charlotte was just like her momma - the more I cry, the more my face gets all red and white and splotchy, C's did the exact same thing!! More crying through the talking, but we were able to go over all the important things. Charlotte is doing wonderful with her vocabulary, motor skills, eating, growing and thriving!! He did advise us to start her on some vitamins, so that's a new thing, but that's about it, just keep on keeping on.
As far as the concussion goes, he reiterated all the same things that the ER doc said - over the next 2 weeks we may still see signs of the concussion. If any of them last longer than or happen often past a 10 minute period, we'll need to contact the doctor. He assured me that it is very rare that anything else will happen, but you want to keep watch cause there is always a story about someone who thought they were fine and a week or two later something happens.
The next update on this topic won't be until her 3 YEAR appointment! Can you believe...
I'll leave you with a picture of my 2 year old from a couple days ago eating one of her first PBJ sandwiches! Doesn't she look so very very grown up!
aww-such a big grown up girl! glad the appointment went well other than the crying