Thursday, April 9, 2009

Such a big girl!

Charlotte is getting so big! It is amazing how much a baby can change in just 11 weeks.  She looks so different - her face is filling out, her eyes are getting lighter, her fingers are so long!  She is now smiling, such a big toothless smile :) She is noticing so much more: the fan, lights, faces - and noticing her fist with her mouth too!  she hasn't quite gotten the thumb in there, but she loves the side of her fist! Charlotte is much stronger now too now - she is holding her head up completely and has great tummy time.  She is spending a few minutes a day in her Bumbo which hopefully will help her build her tummy and back muscles and she'll be sitting up in no time.  I love playing airplane with her too :) 

The best sounds I hear right now are the cooing!! She just talks and talks to us, I wish I knew what she was saying.  I'll mimic her sounds and we'll go back and forth just chatting together. The funniest sounds come out right after she sneezes, she does this little throaty ooo sound, so funny. With her cooing and smiling so big I keep thinking that anytime now she is going to start laughing at me, its just right there at the tip of her tongue I know it!  I cannot WAIT for that first giggle! 

Another big achievement... she slept from 9pm to 4am!  Jeff and I woke up at 4 to her cries both wondering if the other had gotten up and fed her earlier - but nope!  Big girl slept for 7 hours between feedings. Here is to hoping we'll have many many more nights like this! 

I think that is all the updates I have for now.  I have posted new photos on my mobile me and facebook pages, so visit to take a peek at this sweet little girl. 

The many faces of Charlotte Bug..




  1. oh my, what a precious girl! Can't believe how much she is seems to happen so quickly! Miss you guys!
