As wonderful as the Jeep has been, we knew its time was coming to a close. Jeff's commute is 45 minutes and a soft top Jeep on the interstate makes it feel even longer. The cold and the hot, the noise, and of course, the gas! As wonderful as the jeep is for fun, it is not as wonderful for a daily commute. Now you add in Charlotte and you realize that this is no longer the vehicle for us. :(
So new car time!! Jeff has had his eye on the Dodge Magnum for years - I cannot tell you how many of these cars we have test drove! It is the perfect combination of family car and vroom-vroom. Jeff found a 2008 White Magnum at Beaman Dodge in Murfreesboro, so off we go. Mom watched Charlotte - her first babysitter! It was strange being away from her, but it was good getting away from a couple hours.
I have to admit, I shed a few tears for the ol' Jeep. It has been so special to us and it was always a dream for him to have, it was tough to see it go. But in with the new! It was wonderful driving off in our new car! It was so comfortable and has soooo much room. I am able to sit in the back with Charlotte if I need to but we still have perfect foot room up front too. It may seem like a little thing, but it is great for me! And Jeff's favorite part.... an Aux input! He is able to plug his iPhone in right into the stereo system and play away. I love the peace and quiet of the car too - he can actually call me on the phone on the way home from work and have a conversation. Beautiful!
I love the Dodge Magnum! Definitely the sort of car I wish more Americans were into. Oh, and thanks for supporting the Murfreesboro economy by buying your car here! :-)