Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hospital time!

With the blog down the last couple days I haven't been able to update with the latest baby news, so time to catch you all up!

Tuesday we had a little unexpected visit to the doctor. I have to do "kick counts" a couple times a day to make sure she is moving ok. Tuesday morning I did not get them in in the set time so they had me come in for fetal monitoring. Everything ended up being perfectly fine, she just wasn't ready to wake up yet I guess! Since I was already there we were able to do part of the appointment that I was scheduled for on Wednesday. Based on everything she had seen Tuesday we were thinking that I could go until week 38 or 39! We were going to wait to get my blood work back an have my unlrrasound to get a better idea of where we were at.

Wednesday! I had my ultrasound, she weighed in at approx. 5 lbs 14 oz. In meeting with Dr. Rupe she didn't like the little growth that she had over the past 3 weeks. This coupled with my blood work results let us know that my body is not getting enough nutrients to the placenta, therefore limiting her growth. Dr. Rupe's decision? Let's deliver!

So here we are in the hospital waiting on a room. Apparently OB has been very busy today! Today I will be given medication and be here in the hospital getting rested. The doctor will come in tomorrow morning and start the pitosin to get contractions going! If all goes as planned we will have our little one Friday January 23rd. Pray pray pray she isn't stubborn and we go through til Saturday - yikes. So here we are... Waiting. I think this will be happening a lot this weekend! You can see how much fun we are having below - thank goodness for iPhones!

That is all for now, check in for baby updates :)


  1. Wonderful News!!! Can't wait to see your little one! Congratulations you two! We'll definitely be praying for all of you!

  2. HOLY COW!!!!!!!!! YAY!!! we'll be praying for you guys! :) how exciting!!

  3. I'm so so excited to see you all soon! I'll be praying that everything goes smoothly!
