Thursday, December 18, 2008

Yet another doctors appointment... with some interesting news...

I have had yet another doctors appointment this morning!


  1. Wow--big stuff. I am praying for you all and let me know if you need any help! We don't have too many plans over the upcoming weekends at least, so I could probably make it down to see you if you want. I love you so much!!!

  2. Wow, big news!!! So sorry to hear but I am sure everything will be fine. I know preclamsia can be a scary thing and is serious but it sounds like your doctor caught it early enough to keep you both safe. All three of you will be in my thoughts and prayers, and keep off your feet!!! (I know this is easier said than done) Glad to see you guys soon and guess good thing we are taking care of clothes this weekend since she is making her enterance a few weeks early.

  3. I'm sorry to hear about the pre-pre-eclampsia, but thank the Lord, it's been diagnosed early! I know we've only officially met a few times, but I'd love to help you stay off your feet. And wow! You're moving soon too! What a busy, exciting time for your family! Please, if someone in your small group is organizing meals for you guys, I'd love to help. They can email me at
    5 weeks will just FLY by! How exciting! I can't wait to see pictures of your sweet little girl!

  4. Let us know if we can help you move...we can load up the van with stuff...Bed rest is no holla and I can bring movies or books...crayons...whatever you want!! I'll be praying for all 3 of you!!

  5. Your small group is standing by with phones on...
