Our first craft at our new story time was about falling leaves, so it was a pretty simple project of glueing leaf cut outs on a piece of paper. But, it was C's first time to use the glue stick on her own, so she had fun. And it's a pretty on the fridge!
For Halloween we made a spider at the library. It was really easy, just a small plate turned upside down and colored black (or in C's case any color) and then we accordion-ed 8 black strips of paper to be the legs. Top it off with some googly eyes and you have a spooky spider!
We made a pumpkin during the library's trick or treat event. It looked like a pretty simple idea - glueing the strips together at the bottom, then pulling them all up to the top and glueing them together at the top. Slap on some leaves and you've got a pumpkin! Somehow this mom screwed it up and our pumpkin turned out totally lopsided! Oh well... it's cute, right??
This past weekend Jeff's parents came down to Huntsville to see the new house and visit C of course! Charlotte loved having them here, and we talked about the next time we were gonna see them - at Thanksgiving. Well, for a 2 year old, we deal in the matter of "tomorrow" not 2 weeks from now. So we made a paper chain to count down the days until Thanksgiving! I've been trying to explain that we only tear off one ring a day just like we only take 1 vitamin a day (weird analogy, but she understands it!) Then we count the rings and talk about how it's that many days until we get to go to Granna and Grandad's house.
Anyway, I got out my scrapbooking scissors that are somewhat child proof and cut out cool patterns. So Charlotte got to do some cutting for the first time and loved it. Of course she burned out pretty quick and I finished the cutting. Charlotte got to help with the stapler, but we ran out of staples, so we resorted to glue! It was a fun little project to do.
Today we had a turkey craft day! We traced Charlotte's hands and feet to make a special turkey for daddy to decorate his office at work. She usually loves having her hands and feet traced so this was the perfect craft for us! The brown turkey is actually made of her two feet traced (without defined toes) and laid on top of each other, spreading them out just a bit at the bottom. Jeff thinks it looks more like a potato, but oh well! Charlotte loved being able to do all the glueing and putting the eyes on. She was super excited to show daddy when he got home.
We also had to have a turkey to put on the fridge, so we made a Thankful Turkey. On each of the turkey's feathers we wrote a name of someone we were thankful for - Daddy, Mommy, Granna, Grandad, Nan, and G. (sorry to everyone else, we had limited leaves!) I think he is a pretty cute turkey! This is something I hope we can do every year to remember what we are thankful for.
That wraps up our Autumn crafts! If you have any cute winter or Christmas ideas, send them my way! I want to be more proactive on doing arts and crafts with Charlotte a couple times a week, especially things she can do more on her own and less that mom has to do! Happy Fall everyone :)