Today has been the most emotional one (thus far!) for me. It is Thursday. We move on Saturday. Where did all the time go?
I had to contact the Williamson County Animal Shelter just now. We haven't been able to find any other options for
Brady. He has driven me crazy lately, but still the thought of him not being around and even worse, being in a shelter with tons of other dogs waiting to be adopted... That awful ASPCA or whatever commercial with Sarah McLauclan is playing over and over in my head. The lady I spoke with was very positive that being younger, and a small dog, with a specific bread, will find a new home easily. Plus, they will make sure he gets all his needed shots and whatnot updated. I think this could be a good thing.... Its just hard to actually do. I don't want to take him and drop him off tomorrow. Not one bit.
Charlotte and I went to our last story time at the library today. Oh, I'm sure we'll find another one at the Huntsville library or Barnes and Noble, but still, this one is familiar and C loves going to Her library.
I have a friend coming over today to pack the last 2 rooms - the kitchen and playroom. Once those are done, we'll literally have most everything packed. I'm not ready for it to be done. That means we have to move to unpack these things in a whole new house. I think the excitement of a new house, a new challenge, etc had taken over the last few weeks but it's a little more daunting now.
Charlotte spend her last night in this house tonight. Ever. That make me extremely sad. She has slept in her room since the night we brought her home. 2 years and 9 months of that being HER room and now it won't be. C is very excited about her new house and her new room, etc. She doesn't grasp the concept of what that means and what will change, I'm afraid for the time when it does sink in to her that we won't live in the house she remembers anymore. We won't go to the Home Depot where her Nan works, won't go to the Bridge anymore, won't go to her favorite Target store, won't have her Daddy home every day.... won't, won't, won't.
We had our weekly play date with Allison, Hazen, and Laney Combs yesterday. Had a great time at their house, and then at the park for lunch and time on the playground. It wasn't until we were leaving that I realized that's the last time we'll see them as Tennesseans. We have already talked about plans for them to visit us in Hville or us to make SH trips, but still... it won't be the same as living less than 5 minutes from each other and just getting together to play during the mornings. Because I didn't realize that this was the last time I'll see Allison for a while (she is leaving to ATL tomorrow and won't be back til after we move) I didn't get to actually saw bye like I wanted. Maybe that's a good thing...
Our last Sunday at the Bridge was Sunday. Eesh. The Bridge is what brought my family and Jeff down to Tennessee/Spring Hill in 2003. (Jeff and I weren't part of the Bridge for a few years as we leaved in North and East Nashville, we came back in 2008) Josh recognized all the website, video, and tech work that Jeff has given to the Bridge over the years... it seemed so final. There were so many people I wanted to say goodbye too, but then it just felt like a normal Sunday and I know we'll be back to visit so in some ways it didn't seem necessary. And then we were done.
The night before, we had our last
"hoo-rah" with a bunch of people from church to hang out and watch the UFC PPV. We love hosting these events. I had a moment during the night where I just stood and looked at the full room as we pulled chairs in from all the different rooms so everyone had a seat and I wondered... when will this happen again? How long will it take us to find a new group of friends, a new church, a new UFC bunch ;0), to fill up our living room? As my mom pointed out, I love playing hostess, and the thought that I may not do that again for a while was a little depressing.
My dearest and oldest (old like we've been friends forever, not that she is old!) friend Sarah also came down Saturday afternoon and stayed the night and went to church Sunday. Sarah lives in Bowling Green KY, which is only an hour and a half or so away. It's totally close enough that every 1-2 months she'll come down for a weekend, especially if it is a birthday or special get together. And she is friends with Josh and Jana Howerton and loves the Bridge, so that's an added bonus for Spring Hill visits! Now with us being in Huntsville, it is going to double the drive from BG and not have the Bridge and the Howertons to share a visit with. We've already talked about how she can still come to Huntsville, but I know it won't happen near as frequent. I'll miss our times together!
Jeff's parents came down Sunday afternoon for lunch and to watch the Titans game. They live in BG as well, but sadly we don't see them near as often as we should! I'm hoping that we'll be able to get a full or queen size bed for a guest bed instead of just a twin, and then they can actually come down and stay a weekend! We will be much more intentional about visits with them.
We had a last dinner with my parents too. They took us to Pancho's mexican restaurant to celebrate Jeff's birthday. I'm so used to my parent's being 10 minutes away. We can just decide, hey, lets do dinner. We see them at church, they stop by the house just to say hi, we go out to the Ridge to use their hot tub. It's easy and comfortable. Plus, we have built in free and reliable babysitters that charlotte loves! I know I'll still talk to them all the time, and we'll make many visits. But it won't be the same. It won't be the same for my Nana either. We would make pretty regular trips on Wednesday to play at her house and eat dinner (she lives in Nashville, about 30 minutes away from us) We are all going to miss our time together. She has already talked to my parents about making plans for her first trip to Huntsville, so that makes me happy :) I love my sweet family. Hannah has already moved to Cincinnati so I know I won't see her til Thanksgiving probably, but still, it feels different now.
Wow... this post went long. I was just gonna write about Brady and our last story time... oops! I guess is this probably more of a journal entry than a blog post that people will actually want to read! So don't worry if you aren't reading this, or if you are and you skipped right over a bunch of stuff!
Oh and no, I didn't read over it and do any type of proof reading so no judgement!!